
This is first test.

Where can I ask my question?

If you don’t find your answer in this FAQ or in the manual, you can always ask here.

There are mistakes in the translation! Can they be fixed?

A first pass of translation was done with Google Translate, so if you find errors or a distinct lack of logic in a few words, you know the culprit! You are invited to fix such mistakes by following the instructions here. It’s free. No tool required, and nothing to install.

How can I quickly open an item on a new view?

The quickest way is to double-click on the item in the list.


How can I change the width of the main text area ?

On the right side, in the “Edit” tool box, click on the “A” icon with the up arrow. A new menu appears. Use the sliders to change the text width, text size, text indent, and top margin. When finished making adjustments, click into the the left arrow or click in the main text area.


Where can I find the Skribisto repository?

The GitHub repository is located here.

How can I help with translation?

Complete instructions are here.

To shorten: translate here (it’s free) or create an issue here if your language is missing.

How can I contribute to the code?

First, before writing any changes, please create an issue describing your modification. This way we can discuss it, I can gain some clarity on the idea, and I can offer some feedback.

If we agree on the ideas, you can fork the repository, make your change, then create a Push Request from your repository to mine.